Minute 4 Marriage

With the busyness of life, are you keeping your marriage a priority? We believe that taking just 1-2 minutes per day to invest back into your marriage can have lasting effects that will strengthen your love for one another and put Christ back into the center of your marriage relationship.  

Check out our quick 1 minute videos on TikTok and Instagram.

Contact us for booking your next marriage or couples retreat!

Mike Satterfield 

"Calling ALL husbands and wives. Does your marriage need an infusion of strength, trust, kindness, encouragement, spousal prioritization, and selfless love? Jon and Teresa Harper have written a powerful 31 day devotion for couples called Minute For Marriage to ignite and fan the flame of joy, unity, and fulfillment in your marriage, enabling ALL husbands and wives to truly become God's intended picture of Christ and His church."

Preston Cave 
Texas Baptist Men Missions & Discipleship

"As much as I love my family, the truth is sin has made us all a little bit broken. In fact, marriage is simply one broken person marrying another broken person and having little broken children. No wonder we sometimes fight. It is refreshing to see a new resource designed to help us fight FOR our family. Minute for Marriage is a great book for new couples to establish a solid relational foundation, and is a great reminder to seasoned couples of what matters most. Every couple needs a copy for themselves and a copy to give away to their friends!" 

Jonathan L. Smith D.Min. 
Director of Church Health StrategyTexas Baptists

“Minute for Marriage: Turning Minutes into a Marriage That Lasts a Lifetime by Jon and Teresa Harper is a treasure trove of Biblical and practical wisdom to honor Christ and love your spouse. With each page turn, you will be encouraged to drink from the endless well of Christ and will receive practical help to love your spouse deeply. Imagine the strength and encouragement of intimacy with your Heavenly Father alongside your spouse.”

@minute4marriage What is Minute for Marriage? Can you take just 1 minute each day to work on building a stronger marriage? Join us each day to learn some tips to strengthen your love for each other! 😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️ Introduction video!! #minuteformarriage #christianspeakers #marriageministry #jonharper #teresaharper ♬ original sound - Jon and Teresa Harper